I don’t think it was an accident that my appearance back in a church should be to celebrate new life. The parents of this beautiful child who was baptized today are a testament to faith in its strongest form. Their quiet strength continually emanates from both of them after a loss no parent should ever face. There really are super heroes on Earth.
Marcus Borg, one of my favorite spiritual authors writes of “thin places” on Earth. In his words,
“Thin places” has its home in a particular way of thinking about God….this way of thinking sees God, “the More,” as the encompassing Spirit in which everything is. God is not somewhere else, but “right here.” Quite simply, thin places are where “the right here” and “the more than right here” intersect, where the thin veil between the sacred and physical is lifted for a brief moment.
Today’s experience was a thin place for me. It was a reminder to me that even after inexplicable pain and loss, life will eventually be intermingled with immeasurable joy–the kind that leaps from your chest and takes flight, soaring high into the realm of what can only be described as holy.
Great one, Nancy. I agree with this line of thinking! – Noel