My profession as a small animal veterinarian has been one of the most rewarding journeys of my life. I have cared for thousands of pets who are just as important of family members as their human counterparts.
Because I hike with my own dog regularly, I wanted to find a larger platform to share my knowledge of basic first aid for dogs while hiking. I reached out to Bearfoot Theory, a website I admire for its sound and practical advice to outdoor enthusiasts. I was thrilled to collaborate with them and write an article on this topic. You can find it here.
You can find the printable and/or downloadable canine first aid “cheat sheet” I created for this article at the bottom of this post.
And the companion piece to this article, my top tips for keep it your dog safe on a hike (to hopefully negate needing any first aid measures!), can be found here.
Now go forth with your favorite four-legged friend, be safe, and have fun in the woods!
P.S. I started a Facebook group, Hiking and Camping Deals, where I post the best deals I can find on hiking and camping gear. I invite you to come join the fun and save some money on gear for you and your dog! 🙂
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