I woke up to a beautiful and chilly morning. The lake was so calm and peaceful and I would have loved to stay longer, but I wanted to have a leisurely day of hiking and I knew I’d encounter plenty of beauty to replace this scene.
I encountered so many mountain bikers! I only came across about 4 or 5 hikers but probably 20 cyclists. These trails look great for riding, some parts more technical and challenging than others, and I was in awe of a young girl (probably about 12 years old) just owning the trail like a boss with her dad behind her. She casually rode by me going uphill, barely winded, with a big ol’ grin on her face!
In addition to other humans, I saw oodles of chipmunks and ground squirrels, a deer, several quail, and lots of song birds.

So many mountain bike tracks on the trail–more than footprints through this section!

Blue sky for days!

Pesky little buggers, but at least they never stung me

Kitty loves having his picture made in front of vistas
After lunch, the miles ticked by, and aside from my back chafing some where my pack is rubbing, my feet and legs feel awesome!
And just like that, my day felt like the previous day when I was pushing miles before dark! I knew the next place to camp was 4 miles away at Round Lake. I made it in good time and had about an hour to set up before dark.

Big Meadow was in fact pretty darn big, and pretty darn beautiful too
The lake is in fact round and stunningly beautiful. I had it all to myself except for the many birds around its shore. As I sat star gazing, I heard some coyotes yipping in the distance and a small rock slide on the nearby mountains. I slept like a champ–I tried a different level of inflation with my sleeping pad and it seemed to work well, so I’m excited if I’ve broken the code to sleeping well in a tent!

Round Lake

My humble abode at Round Lake

I loved the remnants of daylight filtering through the trees