Good buy on a 24-pack of Vermont Beef Jerky Sticks: $25.65 for the BBQ flavor but there are other flavors on sale too with slightly higher price points. They also comes with free Prime shipping.
And for those of you who are thinking, “Why would I want to buy 24 beef sticks all at once if I’m not planning a thru hike?” You must not have teenagers living with you. 😉 And FYI, they do freeze well, so they’re great for stockpiling for future hikes.
Trail Nutrition Tips
While hiking is a completely justifiable way to eat more calories than you do in every day life, it really does pay to make good food choices on the trail. Your body will thank you with increased stamina and endurance with added protein and fat, in addition to whatever sugary, carb-laden treats you also bring with you. The bigger the miles I hike, the more I see this proven to me with my food choices.
Beef sticks are portable, lightweight, and easy to eat during a short rest stop, if you’re not ready for a longer “pack off” break. I’ve also seen folks cut them up into smaller pieces and put them in their “Ramen Bomb” meals (that’s basically a packet of those cheap Ramen noodles that folks doctor up as they see fit, for variety).
You can see almost everything else I’ve posted on sale lately right here. And if you’re not a member already, I invite you to join my Facebook group, Backpacking, Hiking and Camping Deals, where I post things as quickly as I find them! It’s also an incredibly friendly and helpful community of outdoor enthusiasts who are eager and willing to share their knowledge about all things hiking and backpacking.