Did you know that labor relaxation techniques work well for flying phobias? That and a little Xanax J
Buddy and Lou did great on the flight. The flight was fairly empty so plenty of room to spread out. Buddy and I played Uno for two hours straight (thank you to Carla Melton for teaching him last weekend on our camping trip! Lou and L “played games and drew pictures.” Lou explained the physics to me of flying after we landed: “The air on the top of the wings of the airplane go, um, really faster than the air on the bottom of the wings.” Pretty good for a 5 year old, huh?!
We’ll board the Ethiopian Air flight soon and that’s when the fun really begins (well, after 13 hours of air travel!) I’m hoping the kids will sleep at least a little. I’m giving them melatonin on the advice of another adoptive parent who traveled to
We’re about to start boarding so better pack it up and get ready for the long jump across the pond!
Oh yes we used melatonin on our trip, too. And ear plugs and eye masks for all. So excited for you!
Now thanks for YOUR comment! Funny, but I am flying to Boston later today and will have a lay-over in DC! I will try those labor techniques (sans the Xanax, but I wish!) because I have a flying phobia, too. SUPER excited to read about your journey! WOOHOO!!!!
You are in the air right now…only 3 hrs away from Ethiopia and I don't know if I'm going to get any sleep tonight…I am SO EXCITED!!!!! Hope everyone is getting some rest up there. Sending prayers of safe travels.
Will you be able to check your comments? If so, my friend Kristine wants you to know that the newest Lewi Hotel (on the water) at Lake Awassa has a spectacular pool and you can pay a daily rate to go swim even if you aren't staying there…a great place to take the kids if you want to do something relaxing while there.